Monday, Jan. 14th, 2019: PTA Meeting

The next PTA general membership meeting is on Monday, January 14th in the Watts Media Center.  Come for pizza at 5:30 (to reduce waste, please bring your own water bottle / drink!).  Stay for the meeting from 6:00 - 7:15. Childcare is available in the gym for school-aged children from 5:30-7:15pm.  

Dr. Ronda Taylor Bullock, director of we are (working to extend anti-racist education), will lead a parent/staff workshop and discussion from 6-7:15 p.m.  You can read more about ‘we are’ at their website. We are pleased we’ll have this opportunity to learn from Dr. Bullock and build on the Watts staff book study, Despite the Best Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools.       

We’d love to have you involved in the PTA. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there on Monday, January 14th at 5:30pm!

Friday, Dec. 14th: Chicken & Waffles Breakfast

On Friday, December 14th from 8:00am to 9:00am the George Watts Parents of African American Children (PAAC) group invites all parents to come to a Chicken & Waffles Breakfast in Ms. Musawwir’s classroom.

What is PAAC? PAAC developed as a sub-committee of the PTA led by one or more African American parents at a school who have a strong desire for educational equity for Black students. This committee is open to any member of the PTSA or school who supports our mission.

A Watts Holiday Tradition: the Giving Tree

The Giving Tree is a terrific holiday tradition at Watts. By taking a tag and bringing in a wrapped gift, you make another family’s holiday a little brighter.

The Giving Tree is in the front office and has tags ready to be picked up. Please sign your tag(s) out on the sheet next to the tree. Write your name, the tag number that’s on the top of the tag, and the color of the tag which is located on the back. If you have any questions, someone in the front office can help you, or you can email Ms. Bunner (ashley.bunner AT

Big thanks to Ms. Bunner for working hard to get the tree ready before the Thanksgiving break! And thanks to everyone who participates in the Giving Tree tradition.

(Side note: there’s a huge pile of Lost & Found items in the main lobby. Please look through and see if there are items that might belong to you!)

Book Fair! A fundraiser for Watts 11/26 - 11/30

The annual Scholastic Book Fair is happening after Thanksgiving! You can shop in person in the George Watts Media Center from Monday, November 26 through Friday, November 30. The hours are:

  • Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 7:30am to 3:00pm.

  • Tuesday: 7:30am to 2:00pm and then again from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.

  • Friday: 7:30am to 1:00pm.

Alternatively, you can shop online anytime between November 21st and December 4th.

If you’d like to volunteer at the Book Fair, please sign up here. Thank you for your support!

Monday, Nov. 5th, 2018: PTA Meeting

The next PTA general membership meeting is on Monday, November 5th in the Watts Media Center.  Come for pizza at 5:30 (to reduce waste, please bring your own water bottle / drink!). Stay for the meeting from 6:00 - 7:00. Childcare is available in the gym for school-aged children from 5:30-7:00pm.  

Watts teachers and staff will share information about counseling services and mental health support available to our students and families. In addition, we’ll hear about how students learn mindfulness through the Montessori curriculum. We’ll also get an update on the Annual Fund, PTA budget, and we’ll do the Hamilton tickets raffle.

Every Watts community member is important. We’d love to have you involved and hope to see you there!

Raffle to win Hamilton tickets!

Donate to the 2018 PTA Annual Fund before November 2nd and you will automatically be entered to win 2 tickets to see Hamilton on Saturday, December 1st, 8:00pm at DPAC!

Visit this page and click DONATE. Or, send a check made out to “George Watts PTA” in your child’s school folder (write “Annual Fund” in the memo line).

The winner will be chosen at the general PTA meeting on Monday, November 5th and does not have to be present to win. (Though you should come, it’s going to be a great meeting!)

Anyone can participate in the raffle; feel free to share with family and friends. Face value is approximately $200 per ticket.

Questions? Email or Everyone who contributes to the 2018 Annual Fund will be entered to win, regardless of donation amount.

Monday, Oct. 15th, 2018: Hispanic Heritage Night

One week from today, we invite everyone to joins us for the George Watts annual Hispanic Heritage Night celebration! This is a potluck event. Please bring a dish to share.

The event will include performances and visual artwork by students. It's a festive and memorable occasion. We hope to see everyone there!

  • When: Monday, 10/15 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm

  • Where: George Watts gym

  • Who: The whole Watts community!

  • Why: To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Sunday, September 23rd, 3pm: Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-Off

Let’s celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day with a school-wide potluck picnic and a soccer tournament!  Please bring a dish to share as well as picnic blankets or beach chairs. 

Kids of all ages are welcomed to play in the tournament! 4 v. 4 games will run for 15 minutes at a time. If you would like to participate, please:

When: Sunday, 9/23 from 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Where: George Watts Playground

Also, save the date for these upcoming events!

9/18: Dine Out at El Rodeo at Brightleaf
9/20, 9/27, 10/4: Free salsa lessons in the gym at 6pm
10/15: Hispanic Heritage Night from 5:30-7pm
10/16: Dine Out at Luna Rotisserie & Empanadas

Monday, Sept. 10th, 2018: First PTA Meeting

The first PTA general membership meeting of the school year is on Monday, September 10th in the Watts Media Center.  Come for pizza at 5:30 (to reduce waste, please bring your own water bottle / drink!).  Stay for the meeting from 6:00 - 7:00. Childcare is available in the gym for school-aged children from 5:30-7:00pm.  

You can pay your $5 annual PTA membership dues at the meeting, and Watts t-shirts will be for sale!

We hope to see you there!